Escape The
Monthly Misery:

New Women’s Health Breakthrough Liberates You from PMS Torture
  • Are your periods miserable?
  • Do you dread your period’s monthly arrival, knowing you’ll soon be at the mercy of wild mood swings, tummy turmoil, and untamable food cravings?
  • Does that time of the month turn you into an irrational mess, unable to handle life’s daily stresses? Have you resigned yourself to just “powering through” these disruptive symptoms month after month?
  • Wouldn’t it be nice to be unbothered by your monthly cycle and be freed from the monthly turmoil that comes with your cycle?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, then read
on…because I’ve got a brand new ally to help you each month.


Dear Menstrual Health Warrior…

For many women, periods are much more than minor monthly annoyances.
The physical and emotional effects can be completely disruptive to regular life.

Periods can include frustrating symptoms like[1]

  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Mood swings
  • Appetite changes
  • Emotional sensitivity

Extreme emotional shifts deeply affect a woman's mental state and behavior… Physical symptoms like bloating, mood swings, physical discomfort, tenderness that can be very disruptive to your daily activities… The fatigue and poor sleep caused by PMS can sap energy and concentration…

And food cravings can lead to overeating and weight gain…


I know, it’s horrible. But we’re here to help (more on that later).

Far from being a mild annoyance, PMS can engulf a woman's life one week every month with disruptive symptoms that are challenging and traumatic to endure.

In addition to the turmoil of PMS, a lot of women suffer from irregular periods. A typical menstrual cycle lasts between 21 to 35 days for the majority of women… However, 14-25% of women have irregular menstrual periods, meaning that their cycles are heavier, lighter, longer, or shorter, or they don't have a regular start date. Experiencing the struggles of an irregular period cycle can be a daunting and emotionally challenging journey for many individuals.

The uncertainty of not knowing when the next menstruation will arrive can lead to constant frustration and apprehension. These reasons are why we wanted to create a way for women to “un-suffer”...

And function better in spite of their cycles and menses.

I'm here to tell you that being sidelined every month is not normal or healthy. I think every woman should be entitled to smooth, symptom-free, and painless cycles.

You CAN take charge of your cycle and reclaim comfort, balance, and productivity throughout your menstrual phase… but first, let’s talk about what causes PMS.

Hi, My Name Is
Nattha Wannissorn

I have a PhD in molecular genetics. During graduate school, I had a health meltdown that caused me to begin studying holistic nutrition and functional medicine to try to understand what was happening to me.

Every month, there would be a few weeks where I felt completely not myself: I was angry at everything… I had such a short fuse I felt like I had to shield my loved ones from me…

It always got worse towards the end of my cycle when I’d struggle with debilitating cramps, fatigue, and bloating.

As a hard-charging scientist at a top-ranked school, I was always go, go, go, getting as much done in the lab as possible.

Not to mention, I ran a few clubs and tried to start a few businesses, while eating as cheaply as possible thanks to a graduate student stipend.

Back then, I didn’t have a clue as to how all of these were making all of my health issues, including my cycle symptoms, worse. Or perhaps I was in denial because I valued myself on how much I accomplished.

I tried everything possible to improve my symptoms:

  • Bodybuilding
  • Following the perfect diet
  • Infrared sauna to hydrotherapy
  • Acupuncture

I was starting to lose hope.

If this sounds like you, it’s important to realize…

It's Not You, It's Your Hormones

First things first: Ladies, if you're experiencing PMS, it's essential to remember that it's not your fault.

While it's not completely clear what causes premenstrual syndrome, research has shown that it is likely the result of changes in hormones like estrogen and progesterone that happen during the menstrual cycle. [2]

Estrogen and progesterone are hormones that control female characteristics, reproduction, and menstruation.

These hormone levels fluctuate throughout the month and can affect mood and physical changes.[3] For example, menstrual cramps happen when the uterus contracts to get rid of its lining. In normal cycles, it could be slight discomfort, but not debilitating.

Naturally, fat-derived molecules called prostaglandins increase before your period. They help release your uterine lining.


Too much prostaglandins, however, can be a problem. The more prostaglandins there are, the more severe the cramps can be.[4]

Bloating can also happen before and during a period because of changes in progesterone and estrogen levels.

These hormones cause the body to retain more water and salt, which can make the body feel swollen and bloated.[5]

Stacey Shillington, a naturopathic doctor and skincare coach, says that skin breakouts during your period occur when your body doesn't produce enough of the hormone progesterone… This creates an imbalance between low progesterone and higher estrogen in your body.[6]

Research also shows that low levels of a substance called serotonin in the brain might also be part of the problem, as it could be linked to mood changes.[7] Estrogen makes your serotonin work better, and right before your period is when your estrogen is low.

Studies show that mood swings, irritability, poor mood regulation, or restlessness are experienced by over 70% of women with PMS. These mood changes are thought to be caused by hormonal fluctuations in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. [8]

Increased appetite and cravings, particularly for salty, sweet, or fatty foods, are also reported by around 40-50% of women with PMS. The cravings may be due to hormonal effects on metabolism and the brain's reward centers.[9]

The good news is that we were able to discover an incredibly effective solution to all of these issues (not just a band-aid).

Take Control
Of Your Cycle With This Ancient Secret

A naturopathic intern once told me that our Qi patterns are different throughout the 4 phases (28 days) of the menstrual cycle.


(Water Element/Yin):

This is when the party starts. The body is shedding the uterine lining and expelling blood. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sees this phase as a time of release and renewal, so get some rest and save your energy.


(Fire Element/Yan):

The mature follicle releases an egg that could get fertilized by sperm. Your estrogen levels surge, and you're at your peak vitality. Promote blood flow and support your energy during this transformational time.


(Wood Element/Yan):

Time for growth and expansion. The body is preparing for ovulation. The ovaries are developing and maturing follicles. Estrogen levels rise and your energy and activity increase. Nourish your blood and support your energy during this phase.


(Metal Element/Yin):

The cycle is almost over. Your body is preparing for pregnancy or menstruation. If no pregnancy occurs, the uterine lining sheds, and the cycle starts again. Progesterone levels rise, and your energy and activity decrease. It's time to prepare for the next cycle. Nourish your Yin and conserve your energy.

Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at the whole person, including mental, physical, and spiritual parts. Then, it corrects any imbalances or stagnation to reinforce the healthy Qi, blood, and energy patterns. These in turn support overall vitality, healthy sex drive, and all aspects of health.

Meet The Chinese Herb Wizard

Now let me introduce you to the brilliant mind behind this new groundbreaking formula: Dr. Drew Pierson. With his impressive credentials, including a Doctorate of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and being a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist and neuro therapist…

He was also a nuclear submarine engineer earlier in his life. As you can probably figure out, the man is a genius.

Dr. Drew has established a thriving integrative medicine practice in the beautiful city of San Diego, where his focus lies in optimizing both the physical and mental aspects of his patients’ well-beings.

Driven by his passion for helping people become the best version of themselves, he seeks to unlock that special spark within people…

More importantly, Dr. Drew has mastered the art of Chinese herbal formulation, honing his skills over 15 years to create world-class level formulas that have garnered widespread acclaim.

But what spurred him into action was a deep empathy for the struggles faced by the most important women in his life and those he works with:

The harrowing tales of PMS horrors inspired him to take action and make a difference.

In the capable hands of Dr. Drew Pierson, a new era of holistic well-being and empowerment awaits.

Now introducing his latest breakthrough in Chinese herbal medicine…



Cycle Care is a special blend of 15 incredible Chinese herbs designed to help you take care of yourself before and during your monthly cycle.


Cycle Care is specifically designed to provide complete menstrual cycle support for women. It contains a precise blend of Chinese herbs and nutrients to alleviate common issues women experience during their cycle like:

  • Mood swings
  • Food cravings
  • Bloating
  • Fatigue
  • And more…

Cycle Care works to gently balance your Qi and help you sail through your period with ease.

The key is Cycle Care’s clinically dosed ingredients proven to enable women to take on their cycles feeling their best.

No more debilitating cramps, rollercoaster emotions, or insatiable cravings.

Cycle Care helps further optimize your well-being all month long.


Why suffer through another miserable, uncomfortable period? Take back control and experience the benefits of a more balanced monthly cycle. Cycle Care is the first formula of its kind, specifically designed to promote hormone regulation and provide complete support for a woman's monthly cycle.

It contains an optimal blend of Chinese herbs that work synergistically to enable women to breeze through their cycles feeling balanced, comfortable, and their best and:

  • Alleviate PMS symptoms like fatigue, emotional sensitivity, bloating, and poor sleep
  • Balance inflammation so you can enjoy more of life during your cycle instead of being weighed down by constant fatigue or physical discomfort
  • Control appetite and food cravings
  • Improve mood, focus, and motivation by optimizing hormone levels
  • And help regulate your monthly cycle

All of this wouldn’t be possible without…

the secret
powerhouse ingredients

Chuan Xiong


Chuan Xiong is believed to help regulate the flow of Qi and Blood and therefore is commonly used in formulas to help make the late luteal phase a better experience. Chuan Xiong is believed to have the following properties: [10]

  • Invigorating Blood: Chuan Xiong promotes blood circulation, which is often lower during PMS.
  • Regulating Qi: Chuan Xiong is believed to help regulate the flow of Qi in the body, which can help to alleviate symptoms such as bloating and mood swings.
  • Calming the Liver: In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver is believed to play a role in regulating emotions. Chuan Xiong is believed to have a calming effect on the liver, which can help to alleviate mood swings and irritability associated with PMS.
Gan Cao

(Radix Glycyrrhizae)

Gan Cao is considered a sweet and neutral herb, and it is believed to have the following properties: [11]

  • Harmonizes the middle jiao: The Middle Jiao is the area of the body that includes the stomach, spleen, and pancreas. Gan Cao is believed to harmonize this area, which can help alleviate digestive issues and bloating associated with PMS.
  • Clears heat: Gan Cao has been traditionally used to clear heat from the body, which can be helpful for a wide array of health issues associated with PMS.
  • Calms the mind: Finally, Gan Cao is believed to have a calming effect on the mind, which can be helpful for women who experience nervousness or mood swings during PMS.
He Huan Pi

(Cortex Albizziae Julibrissin)

He Huan Pi is commonly used for alleviating emotional imbalances associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in women.

He Huan Pi is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and spirit, which can help reduce emotional symptoms associated with PMS. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is also thought to nourish the liver and improve blood circulation. [12]

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, PMS is often caused by an imbalance in the liver, which can result in symptoms such as irritability, tenderness, and abdominal bloating. He Huan Pi is believed to help regulate the liver and relieve these symptoms by promoting the smooth flow of Qi (energy) and blood.

Ci Ji Li

(Tribuli Fructus) [13]

Ci Ji Li is considered a cooling herb that can help reduce heat in the body. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is believed that PMS is caused by a buildup of heat in the body, and Ci Ji Li can help to clear this heat and regulate the flow of Qi (energy) and blood. Ci Ji Li is believed to have several properties that make it beneficial for PMS, including:

  • Hormonal balancing: Ci Ji Li is believed to help balance hormone levels, which can help reduce PMS symptoms such as mood swings and bloating.
  • Diuretic: Ci Ji Li is a natural diuretic, which can help reduce water retention and bloating.
Chai Hu

(Radix Bupleuri)

Chai Hu, also known as Bupleurum, is a commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for a variety of conditions, including for women’s cycles. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), PMS is typically classified as a pattern of disharmony called "liver Qi stagnation," which involves a buildup of stagnant energy in the liver meridian.

Chai Hu is believed to help alleviate the displeasure of monthly cycles by promoting the smooth flow of qi (vital energy) in the liver meridian, thus reducing the stagnation that can contribute to symptoms like irritability, mood swings, tenderness, and cramps. Dang Gui

Dang Gui, also known as Radix Angelicae Sinensis or "female ginseng," is a popular herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that is commonly used to smooth out women’s cycles.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, Dang Gui is considered to be a warming herb that promotes blood circulation and nourishes the blood. It is believed that PMS is caused by stagnation of Qi (vital energy) and blood in the body. Dang Gui is used to help move this stagnation and promote the smooth flow of Qi and blood in the body, thus reducing symptoms associated with your cycle.[14]

Xiang Fu

(Rhizoma Cyperi Rotundi )

Xiang Fu is known for its ability to regulate Qi and promote blood circulation. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), PMS is often seen as a result of Qi stagnation and blood stagnation, leading to symptoms such as bloating, mood swings, and more. By regulating Qi and promoting blood circulation, Xiang Fu can help alleviate these symptoms.

Xiang Fu is also believed to have a calming effect on the liver, which can help reduce emotional and physical tension, including irritability and tenderness.

Xu Duan

(Radix Dipsaci)

Xu Duan is a powerful herb that has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for centuries. It is widely used to help with many issues associated with women’s periods.

Xu Duan is believed to have a tonifying effect on the kidney and liver meridians and is used to strengthen the bones, tendons, and ligaments. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is said to nourish the blood and regulate the menstrual cycle, making it a valuable herb for women's health.[15]

Bai Zhu

(Rhizoma Atractylodeis Macrcephalae)

Bai Zhu is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat a variety of conditions, as well as help with symptoms of your cycle.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Bai Zhu is believed to have a drying effect, which can help reduce fluid accumulation and bloating. It has also been shown to improve bowel movement.[16]

When used for PMS, Bai Zhu is typically included in formulas that aim to regulate the menstrual cycle, and reduce mood swings and irritability.

Hong Hua

(Flos Carthami)

Hong Hua is also known as safflower and is considered a warm herb with a bitter and pungent taste. Some of its properties and functions in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are as follows:[17]

  • Invigorates blood circulation: Hong Hua is believed to activate the blood and promote its circulation.
Bai Shao

(Radix Paeoniae Lactiflorae)

Bai Shao is a commonly used herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for a variety of conditions as well as for fatiguing issues you experience during your cycle.

te its circulation.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory, PMS is caused by a disharmony of the liver and spleen. Bai Shao is believed to help promote blood circulation in these organs, which can alleviate symptoms of PMS such as mood swings, irritability, and tenderness. [18]

Dan Shen

(Salviae Miltizhorie)

Dan Shen is thought to promote blood circulation, nourish the blood, and regulate Qi, which makes it supportive of smooth and balanced cycles.[19]

Dan Shen has been found to contain several active compounds, including tanshinones and salvianolic acids.[20] These substances may help to alleviate issues women experience with their cycles, such as bloating and mood swings.

Mu Dan Pi

(Cortex Mouton)

Mu Dan Pi is known for its ability to cool blood and promote blood circulation. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), PMS is often seen as a result of stagnant blood flow, leading to symptoms such as physical displeasure, bloating, and mood swings. By promoting blood circulation and reducing blood stagnation, Mu Dan Pi can help alleviate these symptoms.[21]

Tao Ren

(Salviae Miltizhorie)

Tao Ren is known for its ability to invigorate blood circulation and dispel blood stasis. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), PMS is often seen as a result of stagnant blood flow, leading to symptoms such as bloating, mood swings, and more. By promoting blood circulation and reducing blood stagnation, Tao Ren can help alleviate these symptoms.[22]

Yan Hu Suo


Yan Hu Suo is believed to help promote circulation and blood flow.[23]



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The truth is that Chinese medicine covers a lot more issues than other over-the-counter formulas for cycles.

Instead of blocking the pain or hiding the mood swings…

Cycle Care actually RESOLVES the underlying issues causing your frustrating symptoms.

It also addresses all symptoms at once, whereas other formulas only target one symptom at a time.

And the great news is, you can try Cycle Care today absolutely risk-free.



If you have a regular cycle, then it’s best to take Cycle Care for 3-4 days premenstrual, every day during your period, and then 3-4 days post-menstrual.

The amount of Cycle Care a person should take is 1 capsule 3 times a day.

If taken correctly, Cycle Care can help with PMS relief.

If you have a cycle that is difficult to manage and predict, take Cycle Care when you start feeling symptoms of your cycle occur, and then for 3-4 days after it ends. This will help regulate you.

WARNING: Do not take Cycle Care if you have hypertension, or are taking blood thinners, or any psychiatric medications. Stop the product if your blood pressure suddenly rises while taking this product. If hot flashes occur, reduce the dosage to 1 capsule per day.


We understand you might be skeptical, especially if you tried other sleep supplements that didn't work.

You just read the research. Individually, these ingredients WORK. However, when combined they create powerful synergy that must be experienced to understand.

Cycle Care works. Our other best selling formulas have changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

BIOptimizers — has been in business for full years. We stand behind our products and guarantee that they will do what we say they do. 🌟

If this isn't the greatest sleep supplement you've EVER tried, we demand you ask for your money back. If you purchase 1 bottle and you are not completely satisfied, within 365 days you may request a full refund (minus shipping & handling cost).

If you choose to save money and buy a bundle of multiple bottles, you are still covered by a 365 day guarantee. If after your first bottle you are not satisfied, you can return your remaining unopened bottles within 365 days of purchase and we will issue you a full refund for your order (minus the cost of shipping & handling)*.

Just contact us, let us know where we could be better, and we will issue you a refund (excluding any shipping and handling charges).

No questions asked.


Free Yourself
From PMS Chaos
& Monthly Dread

Why spend another month feeling like a hostage to your unruly cycle? Take back control and start experiencing the benefits of a balanced monthly rhythm.

Order Cycle Care today and soon you'll be able to handle everything life throws at you, even during your period.

Join the thousands of women who rely on Cycle Care to promote hormone regulation, alleviate problems with your cycle, reduce unpleasurable sensations, and maintain an optimal menstrual rhythm.


"Cycle Care nicely took away my PMS fatigue, brain fog, irritability, and cramps. I’ve been able to continue to maintain both my cognitive and physical performance during my luteal phase. Before Cycle Care, I’d need to rest in the afternoon and reduce the weights I lift in the gym closer to my period. I’ve also been in a generally good mood throughout the luteal phase. Chinese Medicine has much more to offer for hormone balancing than conventional medicine and I believe not suffering through your luteal phase should be a birthright. "


Nattha Wannissorn
PhD, RHN, FDN-P BIOptimizers Director of Content

Click here to see some of the amazing research we’ve referenced

[1] Abu Alwafa, Reem, et al. “Prevalence of Premenstrual Syndrome and Its Association with Psychosocial and Lifestyle Variables: A Cross-Sectional Study from Palestine.” BMC Women’s Health, vol. 21, no. 1, 5 June 2021,

[2] Gudipally PR, Sharma GK. Premenstrual Syndrome. [Updated 2023 Jul 17]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

[3] “Why Do You Get Cranky during Your Period?: The Women’s Center: OB-GYNs.”,

[4] Mayo Clinic. “Menstrual Cramps - Symptoms and Causes.” Mayo Clinic, 2018,

[5] “Period Bloating: Causes and Remedies.”, 1 Oct. 2017,

[6] “What Causes Acne during Your Period (& How to Get Rid of It).”,

[7] “Why Do You Get Cranky during Your Period?: The Women’s Center: OB-GYNs.”,

[8] Kim SA, Lee YM, Lee HW, Jacobs DR Jr, Lee DH. Greater cognitive decline with aging among elders with high serum concentrations of organochlorine pesticides. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 24;10(6):e0130623. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0130623. PMID: 26107947; PMCID: PMC4480979.

[9] Poornima B, Dharma Reddy DB. Premature Rupture of Membranes at Term: Immediate Induction With PGE(2) Gel Compared With Delayed Induction With Oxytocin. J Obstet Gynaecol India. 2011 Oct;61(5):516-8. doi: 10.1007/s13224-011-0086-8. Epub 2011 Nov 16. PMID: 23024519; PMCID: PMC3257334.

[10] “Chuan Xiong in Chinese Medicine.” DAO Labs,

[11] Academy, Asante. “Gan Cao (Radix Glycyrrhizae) | Chinese Medicine.” Asante Academy of Chinese Medicine,

[12] 10 Best Chinese Herbs for Sleep Insomnia - Almond Wellness Centre.

[13] “Tribulus - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.”,

[14] Raye, Jennifer. “How to Build and Nourish Your Blood with Holistic Medicine.” Jennifer Raye, 16 Sept. 2020,

[15] “Xu Duan | Radix Dipsaci | Teasel Root | Chinese Herbs.”,

[16] GinSen. “The Health Benefits of Atractylodes Macrocephala Rhizome (Bai Zhu).” GinSen, 24 May 2021,

[17] ---. “Hong Hua (Flos Carthami) | Chinese Medicine.” Asante Academy of Chinese Medicine,

[18] “Radix Paeoniae Alba - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.”,

[19] How Chinese Herbal Medicine Can Support Women’s Hormones - AOMA Graduate School of Integrative Medicine. 10 Mar. 2022,

[20] Liu B, Du Y, Cong L, Jia X, Yang G. Danshen (Salvia miltiorrhiza) Compounds Improve the Biochemical Indices of the Patients with Coronary Heart Disease. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2016;2016:9781715. doi: 10.1155/2016/9781715. Epub 2016 Jun 5. PMID: 27366196; PMCID: PMC4913020.

[21] “Moutan Cortex - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.”,

[22] Liu, Li, et al. Taoren–Honghua Herb Pair and Its Main Components Promoting Blood Circulation through Influencing on Hemorheology, Plasma Coagulation and Platelet Aggregation. Vol. 139, no. 2, 1 Jan. 2012, pp. 381–387,

[23] Alhassen L, Dabbous T, Ha A, Dang LHL, Civelli O. The Analgesic Properties of Corydalis yanhusuo. Molecules. 2021 Dec 10;26(24):7498. doi: 10.3390/molecules26247498. PMID: 34946576; PMCID: PMC8704877.